Monday 17 December 2012

Post-Op - Day 5

Ouch is the word of the day. I had a rough night of sleep due to pain and not being able to get comfortable which didn't help my start to the day. I had to be up to my orthodontic appointment by 11:45 and it took me nearly 2 hours to get fully ready. By the time I cleaned my mouth, too my morning meds, showered, washed my hair, dried/straightened my hair, did my makeup, ate my Boost for breakfast, cleaned mouth again and got dressed 2 hours had already gone by. My sister in law (Pam) picked me up as I am in no shape to drive so thank goodness for her and my kids went to daycare. Big thanks to Amy (our sitter) for taking the boys for longer hours this week. Big thanks to everyone really, you've all been a big support for me this week.

Anyways, back on track! The orthodontic appointment wasn't very eventful, he checked the expander to make sure it was still glued in place and that it was ready for expansion starting tomorrow. He said he couldn't really tell me much more then that as the surgeon will be able to on Thursday when I see him. However, I am running low on good meds so I walked over to the surgeons office since it was right next door to see if I could get some more pain meds. Unfortunately (as my luck has it) the surgeon was not in today so she said I'd have to call tomorrow and they would talk to him and fax the pharmacy a new prescription if I need it. So I have enough to get me through tomorrow and probably Wednesday so if I can hold off until Thursday I will.

The swelling has subsided a little bit but still very much so up there. Much more yellowing on my cheeks and under my eyes a little from the bruising. I am to expect a few months of being swollen but the worst of it is in these first 5 days which I have made it through! My next big hurdle is starting my first expansion tomorrow. Just a reminder that each turn of my key is 1/4 mm of expansion. So by the time I see my surgeon on Thursday I will have already manually expanded 1mm in 3 days. The biggest challenge will be being able to open up my mouth wide enough with the swelling to get my hubby to turn the key.

The events from today really knocked me off my feet and as soon as I got home I was able to drink a cup of tomato soup and then straight to bed I went for 3 hours. I woke up to have some more Boost, water, rinse my mouth , do up this blog and will be going back to bed shortly. I am down 12 pounds as of this morning and still have a hard time talking. Luckily for me, my husband has learned my new muffled language and even when no one else understands he's got it the first time. My boys are doing much better today too so that's always helpful. Hoping to be in better shape by Sunday when our Christmas festivities start. Can't believe it's already here!

Day 5 Swelling/Bruising (Still can't smile or move upper lip)

Side shot of the bruising/swelling (lower lip much less swollen)

Teeth last day before expansion. This is as wide as I can open.

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