Sunday 16 December 2012

Post-Op - Day 4

Made it to day 4 post SARPE. Nothing too new to report today as it has been pretty much the same as the last few days. The main difference today is that you can now see some yellowing on my cheeks from bruising. Swelling is still way up but I have moved onto drinking boost drinks twice a day as my meal replacement. Hoping to be able to try a smoothie tomorrow for different tastes.

 I had to remove the elevation from my bed as it was causing too much lower back pain. I have resorted to just propping up some extra pillows to keep me a little elevated. I have discovered that I can use a tooth brush to clean my bottom teeth but have to use the sponge they gave me with the peridex rinse for my top teeth as I cannot get at them with all the swelling. And the sutures are all along the front under my lip so I have to be careful not to disturb them too much. They are supposed to dissolve on their own in 10 - 20 days.

We also have added another challenge the mix as our boys are sick with colds. Mostly nasty sounding coughs and whininess but that's to be expected. I got up and moved around this morning trying to do things that do not require me to bend or tilt my head down. I was able to straighten my hair this morning and then by the time that was done I was spent. So back to bed I went. At least I was up and about for a bit.

I am running low on my morphine meds so I have been trying to stay away from taking it unless I absolutely have to. I am trying to save some for when I start expanding. I see the orthodontist tomorrow for my surgical check so we'll see if he wants me to start turning tomorrow or Tuesday. I apparently have one more day yet for swelling to get to it's max so I hope by Tuesday everything starts to go down.

Day 4 Swelling - More under my chin and bruising starting to show

That's all for today. We'll see what tomorrow brings after the orthodontic check.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing great! :) Sucks the boys are sick now! One more week and then I'm all yours!! :D
