Tuesday 26 February 2013

Brace Face - First two weeks

The time seems to be flying by now and I sure hope it continues to this fast. It has now been 15 days since my top braces went on, and 77 days since my SARPE surgery. So far the braces have not been as painful or irritating as I initially thought they were going to be. I guess after what I've been through this part of the process is nothing.

I still find that my teeth are sore off and on each day from the mini movement that is happening but it's nothing a little Advil or Tylenol doesn't take care of. I can't really tell but I have been told that it looks like the front gap is closing up a bit.

I have to admit I am getting pretty tired of this spacer being in but I know I still have a few months to go yet. Considering the darn thing has been in for almost 3 months already is so hard to believe. If I can just hang in there for three more months then hopefully I will be healed enough to get this thing out! I am getting closer one day at a time...

Stay tuned for updates!  I will add pictures again in a couple weeks which will be 1 month from that date braces went on to see if my teeth have in fact moved together some more. Here is where I am at today:

Two weeks braces smile
Gap two weeks after top braces went on

Monday 11 February 2013

Braces on!

It's official, my top braces are on! My orthodontist was extremely pleased with the progress I have made in the last few weeks since I seen him last. The best part of the whole day was when he told me that I no longer have to expand! After 35 expansion (8 3/4 mm),  I am finally done the part of the process! They sealed up the hole of the expander to make sure it was not able to turn backwards. I have been told that it will need to stay in my mouth for roughly 3-6 months in order to allow time for the bone to heal over. In the meantime, I am not to do anything rough and take it easy until the bone is healed over. I guess that means my late night underground kick boxing career is out the window.  May have to take up sewing instead! 

Also, I finally got the answer to the biggest question I have been meaning to ask this whole time but keep forgetting.  The question: "Is there any chance for my mouth to relapse after all this?" the answer is "NO!" With the cutting of the bone and expanding of the jaw, the gap will be filled in with new bone over the next few months leaving no possible way for my jaw to regress. Thank goodness!

I went to my appointment today prepared for the pain by taking one of my last few T3's that I have been saving. I, along with the dental assistant was very happy that I did this because it made the bracket application a lot less painful then it otherwise could have been. I got clear brackets on the top and originally they told me that I would get metal ones on the bottom but today he said that I am able to get clear on the bottom not metal. My bottom braces are scheduled to be put on in 5 weeks which is March. 18th. At that time he will start to tighten up the top ones as well. Today he put a wire in but did not tighten anything.

 I was also worried about the clear braces staining but they assured me that the only thing that can stain are the elastics which are changed out each month. According to the video I had to watch, coffee, tea, pop, mustard and curry are a recipe for disaster in regards to staining.

Once the Tylenol wore off around 4:30, I started to get pretty sore but it's not any where near what I can expect for pain in the coming months once bottoms go on and they start tightening things up.

The funniest part of the day was when they gave me a draw entry because I have been a good girl with my oral hygiene this month. I felt like a kid all over again! I didn't get to pick out a toy but they did give me a new Oral B sprinbrush pro rechargeable tooth brush with all the accessories to take care of cleaning my teeth and braces.

I had to make sure that it is officially safe for me to use the Waterpik as part of my daily routine and he said all is good so go for it. I think that's all I have to update for now. I feel like I am forgetting to say something important from today but it's not coming to me. If I think of what it is I will be sure to make an update. For now here is the new look:
Top Braces - Day 1

Comparison Picture - Morning of SARPE surgery

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Update before braces go on - 34 turns

It has been a couple weeks since my last update and not a whole lot has changed. I have expanded the last two Sundays which actually ends up being a total of 34 turns. Each turn is a 1/4 mm so in total I have expanded 8.5 mm's. That's quite a bit! Now that the orthodontist has be expanding only once a week I have been able to put up with the little bit of discomfort rather then the pain I was experience just a few weeks ago. My front teeth are always a little sore from them naturally trying to move back together. The teeth are kind of straying off into their own way now so it's probably good that I am scheduled to get braces this coming Monday, Feb.11 at 2pm. I am getting a little worried about the whole new kind of pain I will be facing once the braces get put on but I've been through them before and survived so I know I can do it again. Positive thoughts!

Here are some updated pictures:

Expansion 1
Expansion 34

This is how my smile is after 34 turns. The teeth are trying to come back together on their own.
Current smile before braces go on next week.