Monday 21 January 2013

Update before Orthodontic visit - 32 turns

I have been slacking on my blog the last few days. Sorry about that! So here's the scoop. Five days ago I went back to see the surgeon because I was in so much pain and he had told me that there must be something wrong when I talked to him the day before. Well when I go to the appointment it went completely opposite then I thought it was going to go. He told me that there was no infection and that the click/pop noise and extreme shooting pain was my bones moving and that there is absolutely nothing he can do for me at this point. He pretty much just washed his hands of me and said it's now up to the orthodontist for the next step. He said that my expansion looks like it is pretty much at it's max and that the orthodontist will probably say that's good enough. I have been having a hard time controlling the pain and with work and home life, it has been extremely challenging. My boss and team at work have been a HUGE support and I am able to alter my duties to be able to work mornings in the office and then come home to work from home in the afternoons. This allows for me to limit my talking at work (that sounds bad) but also to let me rest when I need to and then log on from home to keep working away the rest of the day.

I have been having a lot of pain/aching off and on but the most of it the last couple days has been in the front between my two front teeth. It is like pins and needles constantly stabbing my gums and not backing off. Part of it is probably all the severed nerves healing and also the expansion process. I get scared when I think of how much the braces are going to hurt once they start to bring everything into place. I am ready to get this over with and I know I need to do it in order to move on so in a way I am looking forward to it as well. I see the orthodontist tomorrow so I will be sure to update what the thinks. I am very much hoping that I no longer have to expand.  Here is an updated pick of what my teeth look like today:

Jan.21 with 32 expansions

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