Sunday 17 March 2013

Week 5 of Top Braces - Bottoms on tomorrow

I have actually made it 5 weeks with top braces and overall that time went pretty darn fast. I am however not looking forward to adding more metal to my mouth tomorrow when the bottom ones go on but I know it's another step in going through this process. There has been a lot of movement for the top teeth the last two weeks. The wire is poking through the right side bracket at the back of my molar pretty far now. Sometimes wax doesn't like to stick so the wire goes into my cheek regardless. I was going to go in last week to get them to cut it off but just couldn't find time. My family and I have also been fighting a nasty cold this last week and when you have all this metal in your mouth, lets just say its not very fun when you need to cough anything out. I am however VERY thankful that I have managed not to get sick with any type of cold since my surgery back on December 12th. I have to say that's pretty darn good!

My daily routine for cleaning these things have been that I need to brush right after I eat anything and then at night before bed I brush, use the small cone headed brush to get between the brackets, then floss, then waterpik the rest that got missed and clean out the expander. Once that's done, Listerine rinse and off to bed. The whole process take at least 15 minutes and now I am going to have to add on another 5 - 10 minutes for the bottoms to get cleaned. Fantastic! As if it's not hard enough to get my kids to bed at a decent time! Anyways, I have to keep reminding myself I will get used to it and it's only for a short couple years.

I have taken some updated pictures and will make sure to update you on how the process goes for the application of the bottoms tomorrow. Not looking forward to it at all but here goes nothing...

5 weeks with top braces
Top view of my pallat 5 weeks after top braces - Amazing difference
Top view of my pallat before surgery and braces - You can see in the little flappy part in the middle of my gums how much was expanded in the picture before. Crazy!

View of bottom teeth the day before bottom braces go on

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